Dynamic Web Marketing Secrets

"I have implemented almost all of the ideas contained in this book and have generated 1,000's of web site hits and massive amounts of traffic! I don't know where we would be without it!"
Victoria Johnson,
Health and Fitness Celebrity Trainer

"I'm so excited about the google search engine stuff....I've had 3 orders in the last week!!!
Kris Jones,

"I've worked very closely with Matt for more than 8 years now and he is the BOMB!! He's extremely knowledgeable and offers tips, tricks, secrets, and strategies that aren't taught anywhere else. Do yourself a favor and get his course today!"
Chad Tackett

"Working with Matt has helped bring over 750,000 visitors and more importantly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to my website."
Craig Ballantyne
Author: Turbulence Training

"Dynamic Web Marketing Secrets is a must-read. I personally read it over and over again and get new ideas every time! It is instrumental in our overall marketing campaign"
Greg Nelsen,
Pet Supply Retailer

“It's all in here! Quit racking your brain trying to come up with ways to market your web site.. they are all right here at your fingertips. I was marketing my web site within minutes of downloading the e-book.”
Barb Jones,
Online Printing Supplier

Hey Matt, I have read up to page 21 of your book so far. I actually took notes on exactly what the title tags, description tags, and keyword tags look like for *********'s website, then I tried using the same formula for my own...the material is absolutely excellent. It is actually exactly what I was looking for...
Tom Gifford
Author: The Great Cardio Myth

Rescue Me – Open Seasame…

It was 4:30 in the afternoon and I was driving to the gym thinking about what I was going to do for my workout when another client called me exasperated on the phone…

MATT MAN! I’m sending out these amazing, beautiful, EXPENSIVE broadcast e-mails to my list and nobody is even opening them up, let alone clicking on anything, visiting my site or buying a thing!  What’s up!

After he calmed down and I whipped into a parking spot at the club so I could talk to him without causing a traffic accident, I started to “shed some light” on his problem. 

I asked him a couple of quick questions… 

  1. What subject line are you using in your e-mail… and
  2. When are you sending out your e-mails to your list?  

These two vital questions immediately revealed the answer to me as to why his open and click rate were so poor.

By making a couple of recommendations straight our of my e-book Dynamic Web Marketing Secrets we were able to increase his open rate on his broadcast e-mails by over 15% consistently!  

He is now sending out those awesome e-mails to his list and people are actually opening the e-mails and reading the content! 

Imagine what another 15% open rate on your broadcast e-mails could do for your business!  Get my book and learn this secret today on page 43!

And I still got my workout in!

Rescue complete!

Rescue Me - Search Engines…where do you rank?

Back in the beginning of my internet days I had client come to me who had paid a bundle to have a web site built for them 2 years prior.  They had a brick and mortar business at the time and were looking to expand to the internet. So they found a designer and built a site.  It was a good site, e-commerce, and was doing ok, but it had still not even paid for itself after 2 years!  (In today’s market your site should pay for itself in 3 months if not 3 weeks or less)

So anyway, they came to me about ready to pull the plug on the whole thing and call it a wash.  I convinced them to give me 3 months to work with them specifically on search engine optimization for their specialty products…3 months later they had generated $14,000, paid off their site and were well on their way to making a significant profit for the first year ever on the web!

By using the secrets found in chapter 1 of my book Dynamic Web Marketing Secrets I was able to significantly improve their search engine ranking in the generic search results enough to generate quality targeted visitors to their site who were looking specifically for their products.  I didn’t send them 100,000 hits a day, I didn’t event send them 1000 visitors a day.  I sent them high quality targeted visitors who were looking specifically for their products. The visitors found them through specific searches, came to their web site and bought their products! Bingo!

I really like this rescue because it was one of my first and in fact this client is still with me today after over 10 years of business!

Rescue complete!

Rescue Me – What the Blog…

Ring… Ring… Ring…  It’s 8:30 PM Friday night, I’m out to dinner with my wife pulling into Ruth’s Chris for a late dinner and one of my e-commerce consulting customers is calling me on my private cell line…

MATT MAN! I did what you said and I started my blog over a month ago and I’m not seeing any traffic.  What am I doing wrong?

In the midst of my wife’s sideways glances…  I sat and explained to him everything in Chapter 7 of my book on the proper way to use your blog to generate ton’s of quality traffic to your e-commerce site. 

He was blogging, which is great, however he wasn’t creating the right type of hyper-linking structure back to his e-commerce web site in his blog posts to maximize his traffic or SEO.  Once he realized the proper way to blog for e-commerce he was back on track creating quality inbound links to his e-commerce site, gaining top rankings for his keywords in the search engines and generating volumes of quality traffic to his site.

I had to look around the restaurant for my wife who had already been seated...but lucky for me she had already ordered for me!

Rescue complete!

#1 Ranking In Google ACHIEVED!!!

When I launched this site on November 15th, 2007, I was not listed in the search engines at all. The domain was brand new and just purchased. I optimized my site using the secrets included in Chapter 1 of Dynamic Web Marketing Secrets and submitted my site to the major search engines. Then I had to play the waiting game just like all of you... Waiting SUCKS but it's part of the game!

My domain name was indexed and listed in Google on November 22nd (according to Google's webmaster tools reports). From there I started to make some tweaks and changes to the site and I am very pleased to say that as of today, December 1, 2007, I have landed the #1 Search Engine Position for the search term "dynamic web marketing secrets"! (this was one of my goal keyword search terms).

I am still working on the other 3 goal search phrases that I originally decided to focus on, and as soon as I get them, I will be sure to let you know.

-Matt MAN

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